My Process
How to make the ordinary into the extraordinary

Machine embroidery
It begins with a sketch on the fabric, then the needle becomes my paintbrush, and the threads form my palette of colors.

Hand embroidery
Hand embroidery is perfect for fine detailing. Although it's an incredibly slow process, working by hand produces exquisite results, especially on fragile materials like paper.

Each piece of artwork is crafted through layers, with some of the more intricate works comprising up to eight layers. Every element is positioned by hand, ensuring each creation is completely unique.

I often enhance my work by attaching found or handcrafted items to pins. Each flower and butterfly is crafted by hand and carefully added one at a time.

Hand linking
Merging my passion for textiles with fashion, I started creating chainmail. This innovative work includes hand-linking vintage postage stamps, recycled metals, and diamantes. The final pieces are very delicate and look beautiful framed.